Distilling data sets for data analysis

  • Managing multiple data sets on a single worksheet with the Table feature
  • Defining an Excel data set to ensure appropriate use of built-in features
  • Extracting unique lists of records from an Excel data set with the Advanced Filter
  • Analyzing data sets with filters and aggregation

Interpreting and refining data with PivotTables

  • Defining data summaries interactively
  • Summarizing data sets with grouping and aggregation
  • Comparing related totals dynamically
  • Filtering details with Report Filters and Slicers

Visualizing and exploring PivotTable reports

  • Presenting PivotTable reports effectively with PivotCharts
  • Examining data patterns with Sparklines
  • Analyzing multiple tables of data with Power Pivots
  • Discovering and presenting information with Power View