Memory Forensics Techniques

Live Online (VILT) & Classroom Corporate Training Course

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Advanced training program providing in-depth knowledge of Windows memory internals and hands-on experience in memory analysis for digital forensic investigations

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Memory Forensics Techniques


Memory Forensics Techniques training equips participants with advanced knowledge of Windows memory internals, memory analysis skills, and practical experience necessary for successful digital forensic investigations


By the end of this course, leaner will be able to:

  • Provide in-depth understanding of computer and operating system memory and storage structure
  • Equip participants with skills to analyze memory and system images effectively
  • Introduce investigation techniques for non-Windows platforms like OS X and Linux
  • Impart practical experience in memory acquisition and analysis through hands-on exercises
  • Prepare Tier 2+3 Security Analysts, Incident Response Team Members, and Software Developers to become Memory Forensics experts


  • Understanding of basic information security concepts and tools
  • Familiarity with computer and operating system architecture and internals
  • Basic programming concepts
  • Previous experience in IT roles or digital forensics recommended
  • Willingness to engage in intensive hands-on training exercises

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Memory Forensics2024-05-13T21:25:13+05:30
  • Overview of memory forensics concepts and methodologies
  • Understanding computer and operating system memory structure
  • Introduction to memory acquisition and analysis tools
Module 2: Windows Memory Internals2024-05-13T21:25:51+05:30
  • In-depth exploration of Windows memory internals and data structures
  • Analysis techniques for Windows memory dumps and system images
  • Hands-on exercises in analyzing Windows memory artifacts
Module 3: Investigation Techniques for Non-Windows Platforms2024-05-13T21:26:31+05:30
  • Overview of memory forensics techniques for OS X and Linux
  • Comparing memory analysis methodologies across different platforms
  • Practical exercises on memory acquisition and analysis in non-Windows environments
Module 4: Hands-on Memory Analysis Exercises2024-05-13T21:27:15+05:30
  • Live, hands-on experience in memory acquisition and analysis
  • Simulation exercises in our cyberwarfare arena to replicate real-world scenarios
  • Identifying and accessing critical data for investigation purposes
Module 5: Becoming a Memory Forensics Expert2024-05-13T21:27:57+05:30
  • Developing expertise in managing and investigating complex cyberattacks
  • Applying memory forensics skills to ongoing investigations
  • Strategies for effectively communicating findings and recommendations
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