- Introduction to controller:
- Opening controller
- Why we need controller
- Significance of controller
- Features on controller
- Loadrunner Testing Process:
- Planning the test
- Creating Vuser Script
- Creating the scenario
- Running the scenario
- Monitoring the scenario
- Analyzing the scenario
- Designing a scenario:
- Creating a scenario
- Run scenario with sample Vuser load
- Scenario types:
- Manual Scenario
- Goal Oriented scenario
- Introduction to Load generators:
- What is load generator
- Why we need load generators
- Kinds of Scheduling Scenarios:
- Schedule by scenario
- Schedule by group
- Scheduling scenarios:
- About Scheduling scenarios
- Delaying the start of scenarios
- Scheduling a scenario
- Scheduling Vuser groups
- Adding Vuser to Scheduled scenarios
- Creating and running a manual scenario:
- Creating Vuser groups
- Configuring Vusers in Vuser group.
- Configuring Vuser run time settings
- Configuring scripts
- Setting time out intervals
- Configuring Scenario run time settings
- Setting the run time file location
- Specifying results location
- Collating results
- Running scenarios and controlling Vusers:
- Running entire scenario
- Controlling Vuser groups
- Controlling individual Vusers
- Manually adding Vuser to running scenario
- Manually adding Vuser to Rendezvous
- Viewing Vusers during executions:
- About viewing vusers during executions
- Monitoring Vuser status
- Viewing the output window
- Viewing Vuser script log
- Logging execution notes
- Creating Goal Oriented scenario
- About Planning goal oriented scenario
- Understanding goal oriented scenario design tab
- Defining scenario goals
- Assigning properties to scripts
- Configuring scripts