Project Planning, Monitoring & Trouble Shooting
Master – Driver Node capacity Slave – Worker Node capacity
Master – Driver Node capacity Slave – Worker Node capacity
On-Off-heap memory tuning Kryo Serialization Broadcast Variable Accumulator Variable DAG
GraphX overview Vertices Edges Triplets Page Rank Pregel
Overview of Machine Learning Algorithm Linear Regression Logistic Regression
Overview of Kafka Streaming Architecture of Kafka Streaming Kafka Installation
Overview of Spark Streaming Architecture of Spark Streaming File streaming
Maven build tool implementation Build Libraries Create Jar files Spark-Submit
Classes, Objects & Properties Inheritance
List Map Sets Options Tuples Mutable collection Immutable collection Iterating
Oops vs Functions Anonymous Recursive Call-by-name Currying Conditional statement
Introduction to Scala Feature of Scala Scala vs Java Comparison
Introduction to SQL Operations SQL Context Data Frame Working with
Exploring the Spark shell Creating Spark Context Operations on Resilient
Overview of Hadoop Architecture of HDFS & YARN Overview of