Visualizing Big Data
Introduction Tableau Chart types Data visualization tools
Introduction Tableau Chart types Data visualization tools
Overview of Oozie Oozie Workflow Architecture Creating workflows with Oozie
Importing data from RDBMS to HDFS Exporting data from HDFS
HBase overview Data model HBase architecture HBase shell Zookeeper &
Background of Hive Hive architecture Hive Query Language Derby to
Background of Pig Pig architecture Pig Latin basics Pig execution
A short introduction to streaming Spark Streaming Discretized Streams Stateful
SparkSQL and DataFrames DataFrames and the SQL API DataFrame schema
Running a MapReduce application in MR2 MapReduce Framework on YARN
Hortonworks sandbox installation & configuration Hadoop Configuration files Working with
Need of Hadoop in Big Data Understanding Hadoop And Its
Understanding Big Data Types of Big Data Difference between Traditional