Upgrading to the latest version of Angular from earlier versions
2.x and above Update Guide Deprecation Guide Patching Dependencies: npm
2.x and above Update Guide Deprecation Guide Patching Dependencies: npm
Understanding Ivy Ivy Goals Ivy Benefits Ivy Bundle Sizes
Building an application using the Angular CLI Differential loading: creating
Importing the RouterModule Configuring Routes Displaying Components using a RouterOutlet
Deciding between Promises or Observables (RxJS) Making an HTTP GET
Importing the ReactiveFormsModule FormControl, FormGroup, and AbstractControl Binding DOM Elements
Understanding Dependency Injection Angular’s Dependency Injection System Registering Injecting
Using a service to access data Using a service to
Component Communication using @Input, @Output Component Architecture Component Styles Component
Built-in Pipes: Using, Passing Parameters, Chaining
Structural: ngFor, ngIf, ngSwitch Attribute: ngClass, ngStyle
Interpolation Property binding Event binding Two-way data binding
Angular CLI Features Creating a New Project (with new CLI
Angular Modules vs. ES Modules Organizing your code into Feature
Understanding Components Component Properties & Methods Templates: Inline, Multi-line, and
Benefits of Building using Angular Understanding Angular Versions Single-page Web
TypeScript Installation, Configuration & Compilation Type Annotations Classes Scoping using