Working with Modules
Defining and Using Modules Services Compatibility and Migration
Defining and Using Modules Services Compatibility and Migration
Motivation and Overview Types of Modules Modular JDK Our Approach
Overview Streams vs. Collections Anatomy of a Stream Understanding the
Functional Interfaces and Lambdas Target Context Using Lambda Expressions Syntax,
Overview and API The Class Called Class Obtaining and Inspecting
Overview Using Annotations Target and Retention Policy Annotation Parameters, Parameter
Overview and Motivation Stronger Encapsulation, Rules and Caveats Defining and
Inheritance and Composition - Pros and Cons Composition and Delegation
Design Patterns Overview Controlling Object Creation Limitations of new Operator,
Collections Overview Generics and Type-Safe Collections Diamond Operator Lists, Sets,
Overview Tests, Assertions, and Fixtures Writing and Running Tests Assertions
UML Overview Inheritance Definition and IS-A Relationship Method Overriding, @Override
Java Environment Classes and Objects Instance Variables, Methods, Constructors, Static
Java Release Cycle New Java Versions