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Statistical Inference
- What is statistical inference?
- Why must we use samples?
- Why do we need to conduct hypothesis tests?
- What is hypothesis testing?
- Null hypothesis
- Alternative hypothesis
- Rejecting the null hypothesis
- One- vs Two-tailed hypothesis tests
- Choosing between one- and two-tailed tests
- What are p-values?
- Significance level (?)
- Types of errors
- Confidence levels vs significance levels
- Performing hypothesis tests
- p-value controversy
- When to use a t-test
- t-value
- t-distribution
- t-distributions
- Slot machine observed ”Return to Player”
- Are slot machine payouts within tolerance?
- Preform a t-test on RTP data using R
- Two-sample t-test
- When to use a z-test
- Conducting hypothesis tests using z-scores
- When to use a 2 test
- Education and Brexit vote
- Brexit vote breakdown
- 2 value
- 2 distributions
- Are education and Brexit vote related?
- When to use a F-test
- Conducting hypothesis tests using F-values
- F-distributions
- Height distribution by sex
- Does height variation differ by sex?
- When to use analysis of variance (ANOVA)
- Determining the F-value
- Are all diets the same?
- All diets are apparently not the same
- Normality hypothesis tests
- Statistically significant treatments?
- What is statistical power?
- Calculating statistical power
- Statistical power curve
- Improving statistical power of hypothesis tests
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