- What is exploratory data analysis (EDA)
- Histograms and bar charts
- Bar chart vs histogram
- Central tendency and spread
- Bin width is crucial
- Right-skewed data
- Outliers
- Left-skewed data
- Bimodal data
- Separate subpopulations for analysis
- Individual value plot
- Subpopulation individual value plots
- Benefits of boxplots
- Boxplot
- Boxplot vs histogram
- Left-skewed boxplot
- Compare subpopulations using boxplots
- Swedish salaries by level of education
- Measures of central tendency
- Mean vs median
- Mean vs median for skewed data
- Mode
- Measures of spread
- Range and IQR
- Standard deviation
- Six figure summary
- Central tendency and spread equations
- Quantiles
- Benefits of scatterplots
- Scatterplot
- Highlighting subgroups on scatterplot
- What is correlation?
- Correlation examples
- Random data correlation
- Literacy rate correlation
- # children per woman correlation
- Interpreting correlation coefficients
- Correlation doesn’t imply causation
- Causation doesn’t imply (linear) correlation