Development Oriented Training for CSS
- Design a web page using Div with CSS
- Design a menu with CSS
- Styling Forms with CSS
- Design a Image gallery with CSS
- Design a form with CSS
- CSS Sprites
- CSS Optimization for IE 6, IE 7
- Conditional CSS
- CSS Compression Techniques
- Smoothening & Rounded edges
- Responsive layout with CSS
DOM (Document Object Model)
- Introduction about DOM
- Nodes and Node Tree
- Properties and Methods
- innerHTMLvsnodeValue
- getElementByIdvsgetElementsByName
- DOM Events
- Creating form elements
- DOM Style
- DOM Table
Java Script
- What is scripting Language?
- Types of Scripting Language
- Introduction about JavaScript?
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Javascript with HTML
- JavascriptVs JAVA
- File Management
- File upload to server
- Loop statements
- Popup Boxes
- isNaN()
- parseInt() and parseFloat()
- Function and Events
- JS Build-in Objects
- String and Date objects
- Math and Boolean objects
- Array and its Build-in Function
- Exceptional Handling
- Window object
- Location and History
- MIME Functions
- Playing Sounds