- Express.js Introduction & Setup
- Installing express
- First App with express – Demo
- Little about routes
- Little about Express middleware
- Serving static files with express
- Express application generator
- What is expressjs
- Routing in Depth
- Route Methods
- Route Paths
- Parametrized Routes
- Route Handlers
- Express Router
- Middleware
- Types of middleware
- Application
- Router
- Error
- Builtin
- Thirdparty
- Types of middleware
- Error middleware
- Bodyparser, cookie parser, session management
- Template Engines
- What are template engines
- Jade
- Handlebars
- Expressjs security
- Authentication
- Securing routes
- Debugging in Express
- Realtime programming with Socket.io
- Scaling nodejs applications
- The Child process model
- exec, spawn, and fork functions
- Using the Cluster module